Capacity-building Day | 2nd Capacity-building Hub

Wednesday 4 December 2019

What happened during Capacity-building Day?

Skype recording of day

Forward-looking capacity building programs gravitate towards the medium/long-term and are demand-driven - to address the needs of recipients and foster their ownership of the programs. The participation and constant interaction of all involved stakeholders, (national and local level government, non-government organizations, and academic institutions, among others) ensures longevity in the impact of capacity-building efforts.

But when capacity-building programs are project-specific and output-driven, are the needs of recipients addressed? Programs should be cross-cutting, gender responsive, and take place through an iterative process of mutual learning. The Capacity-building Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub aimed to accelerate a shift from business-as-usual practices towards innovative, inclusive, and collective actions in the face of climate change.

Programme overview

The day started with a brief overview of previous Capacity-building days, followed by the 'PCCB Network' consultation attended by the Capacity-building Hub lead partners, co-organizers, and other interested actors.

The opening ceremony shed light on the importance of effective partnerships, coherent policies, and coordinated actions among actors involved in capacity-building for climate change. There were then focused discussions on 'M&E indicators', 'Innovation and digitalization', 'local financing', and 'cross-cutting issues' in capacity-building initiatives. Other highlights of the day were 'key legal developments in capacity-building arrangements under the Paris Agreement', 'capacity-building needs and gaps', and ‘the role of youth in capacity-building efforts'.


The Capacity-building Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub was designed to, among other topics, touch upon:

  • PCCB Network
  • M&E indicators for capacity-building initiatives
  • Innovation and digitalization
  • Cross-cutting issues
  • Key legal developments in capacity-building arrangements under the Paris Agreement and Katowice Rulebook
  • Capacity-building Needs and Gaps
  • Local level capacity-building financing
  • The role of youth in capacity-building efforts

All interested individuals and organizations were welcome to join the debate and contribute to the discussion!


The purpose of Capacity-building Day was to showcase innovative examples of climate-related capacity-building at different levels, and by different means. This day was also focused on highlighting multi-stakeholder partnerships as an apparatus to enhance the effectiveness of climate action, raise the climate ambition, and yield lasting results at local, sub-national, national and regional levels. Some of the key objectives of the sessions were:

  • Strengthening partnerships and network building among capacity-building relevant actors across sectors, for the implementation of the Paris Agreement,
  • Exploring the benefits and risks of harnessing digital solutions and tools for boosting capacity-building efforts, including educational technologies, social media, communication, and multi-stakeholder engagement;
  • Discussing institutional arrangements and governance components for multi-level capacity-building, under the Paris Agreement;
  • Fostering initiatives to facilitate the production and communication of practical knowledge among universities, decision makers, and civil society.

As countries advance in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, it is key to further enhance coherence and coordination in the capacity-building efforts, join forces for effective action, and explore synergic areas of work to yield lasting impacts.

The Capacity-building Day in the 2nd Capacity-building Hub was a platform that brings together different stakeholders, and sheds light on innovative solutions, inclusive processes, effective actions, and potential pathways for higher ambitions, in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Lead Partners  


Target Audience

All relevant stakeholders involved in capacity-building for climate action, including but not limited to local and national government authorities, representatives of multilateral development banks, non-governmental organizations, project developers, technology providers, private sector representative, youth, universities, research institutions, and civil society organizations.

Hosted by the PCCB, and led by the ICCCAd and LUCCC, the 2nd Capacity-building Hub Capacity-building Day provided a platform for different stakeholders to share knowledge and exchange experiences through interactive panel discussions and forums, designed to:

  • Mainstream gender considerations and youth involvement in climate policy instruments, taking advantage of the NDC enhancement process
  • Exchange experiences on digitalization and climate action among climate policy makers and practitioners
  • Raise awareness of the potential of education technology tools and social media in building climate capacity and broadening outreach
  • Showcase good practices, lessons learned, and recommendations regarding international partnerships and co-operations for climate-related capacity-building


Topic Organizer


Opening of the Capacity-building Hub
  • Martin Frick, Senior Director for Policy and Programme Coordination, UNFCCC
Opening session of the 3rd Capacity-building Day
  • Rita Mishaan, Co-chair of PCCB
  • Saleemul Huq, Director of ICCCAD
  • Daniele Violetti, Director, UNFCCC Finance, Technology, Capacity-building Unit
PCCB Network consultation
PCCB Network
Moderator: Jeniffer Hanna, PCCB member
  • Marzena Chodor, PCCB co-chair
  • Rita Mishaan, PCCB co-chair
  • Roberta Iaana, PCCB member
  • Alejandro Kilpatrick. Capacity-building Team Lead, UNFCCC
● Concept note.
● Presentation .
● Summary Report .
Developing indicators for monitoring & evaluation of capacity-building initiatives
Moderator: Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD
  • Riadadh Hossain , Programme Coordinator, ICCCAD
  • Henry Neufeldt, Senior Scientist, UNEP-DTU Partnership
  • Nelly Cuello, Consejo para Nacional para El Cambio Climatico Y Mecanismo de Desarollo
  • Timo Leiter, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics (LSE)
● Initiative for Climate Action Transparency .
● Adaptation monitoring & evaluation .
● Capacity Needs Assessment in the Dominican Republic .
Connecting the dots – Join the interactive sprints on Digitalization & Blockchain, Climate Action and Education
UNU-EHS | Climate Ledger Initiative
Moderator: Sarah Leugers, Gold Standard
  • Owen Hewlett, Gold Standard Foundation
  • Alberto Sanchez, UNU-EHS
  • Juerg Fuessler, INFRAS
  • Sven Braden, Programme Manager , CLI
  • Ana Lucia Moya Mora, SINAMECC, Costa Rica
● Concept note .
● Presentation .
Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Climate Action: Lessons Learned and Opportunities from Latin America
Moderator: Lorena Aguilar Revelo, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Costa Rica
  • Steven Augusto Petersen Rojas, Undersecretary of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Ecuador 
  • Johanna Arriagada Diaz, Project Coordinator of NDC Support Programme and 4NC/ 3BUR, Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment, Chile
  • Lilian Andrea Gregorio, President of the Board of Directors, Plurales
  • Marcella Ribeiro, Legal Advisor, Human Rights and Environment Program, AIDA  
● Concept note .
● Gender and Climate Change (Ecuador) .
● Integración de enfoque de género en las políticas de Cambio Climático en Chile .
● Territorios de conocimiento democratización de los recursos naturales equidad de género (Plurales) .
● The defenders of water (AIDA) .
● Evolution of the climate agendas, policies and actions in Latin America (UNDP) .
Creating Climate Law Capacity for Compliance - Advancing Legal and Governance Capacity-Building to Support Paris Agreement Implementation
Climate Law and Governance Initiative (CLGI)
  • Marie-Clare Cordonier Segger, Senior Director, CISDL, Executive Secretary, CLGI; Professor, University of Waterloo
  • Alexandra Harrington, Lead Counsel, CISDL, Fulbright Fellow, Balsillie School of International Affairs
  • Ayman Cherkaoui, Lead Counsel, CISDL; Coordinator, Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection
  • Saleemul Huq, Director, ICCCAD
  • Miguel Saldivia, University of Cambridge
  • Emily Morison, Coordinator, CLGI secretariat
● Presentation .
Innovative Partnerships for Bridging Capacity Building Gaps: Lessons from Youth and Education Organizations
Guangdong Harmony Community Foundation (GHCF) | National University of Singapore | Care About Climate
  • Melissa Low Yu Xing, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore (ESI-NUS)
  • Eric Bea, Researcher, Asia-pacific Center for Climate Law, National University of Singapore
  • Huan Zheng, Guangdong Harmony Community Foundation (GHCF)
  • Sarah Voska, Care About Climate
  • Renata Koch Alvarenga, Care About Climate
● Concept note .
● Bridging CB Gaps and Needs in an Innovative Way (GHCF) .
● Climate Change Negotiations Capacity Building in Singapore (ESI-NUS) .
● Innovative Partnerships for Bridging Capacity-Building Gaps (Care about Climate) .
Daily wrap-up
  • Renilde Ndayishimiye, PCCB member

